T- Shirt Sponsors for the 17th Annual Classic Car Show
at The Olde Stone House Historic Village
Sponsors Click Here to Fill Out Your Form
Once again, we are assisting the Washington Twp Historic Preservation Commission with their Annual Classic Car Show! We had a great response from last years shirts so we are again donating shirts for the show. Us donating the event shirts helps the WTPHC offset close to $1,000 cost, therefore helping them raise more needed money for restoration and projects.
There are two types of sponsorships for the shirts:
1. Text Form: your name, business name, organization in text format
$25 minimum donation, however larger donations are always welcome
2. Logo: single color $250
Larger donations are always welcome!
*****IF PAYING WITH VENMO/PAYPAL: Please put your name and phone/email in the notes for record keeping. Some peoples user names do not match the name they put on the form, so this will help us contact you if we need to.
Venmo: GOTP17
PayPal: Guardians of the Past

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